We are often trying to stay so much in control of everything that is going on in our lives that we have great difficulty shutting the drive for control down and allowing the peace and serenity offers when we allow spirit to gently show us what we need to see for our greater good. Yes it is useful to have a focus in mind in order to reach some of our goals otherwise we may get lost in feeling stuck and keeping up with the demands of our jobs, our family and relationship interactions, our communities, health and wellness. There is great benefits from being in control of what goes on in our lives. The cracks start to show themselves when we disregard the equal importance of letting go of control, feeling a sense of freedom and allowing obstacles, both actual and imagined, to be removed. Like the concept of moving within circles, there is a flow of give and take, up and down, speed and stillness, doing and not doing, thinking and acting, responding and allowing. The concepts can feel like polar opposites or be wound around each other in vague blurry mixtures. When we lose sight of the differences between right and wrong, strength and weakness, force and allowing, darkness and light, love and unloved, the circles become fragmented, we begin to feel the physical and mental effects and all we begin to see are the obstacles. In order for our perceived obstacles to be removed we might want to consider spiritual supports and connections to bring our focus back into balance, the circles flowing and connecting clearly and in ways that allow the voices of our helping spirits to remove obstacles and remind us that everything is alive and we are all connected. The circle goes beyond the circles we create within our own sphere. Our circle cannot exist without all the others that surround and interlace with us.