When you have been taught how to practice a Shamanic Journey you engage in this amazing experience with spirits who are not only completely compassionate energies, they are there for protection, for assisting us in seeking answers and showing us different ways of thining, feeling and perceiving life. When embarking on a shamanic journey we are either assisted by what we call a Power Animal or we meet with our Power Animal to explore the non-ordinary reality for answers, guidance, healing, exploration or just great company! Each of us have different ways of perceiving messages. Some of us are more visual, some of us hear a story line being presented, some of us feel images, some of us get al the information all at once as a "knowing". Our own experience with our Power Animal is also perceived the same way. None of this matters once you discover your own unique way of perceiving. The next steps are developing a relationship with your Power Animal. They can show us images that have meaning only to us. They can present stories or parables that encourage us to find the meanings. They can have conversations with us. They can have a sense of humour to show the true meaning of a message we have asked. It's not unusual for a message to take some time to understand depending on how our Power Animal shared the information. If a message doesn't make sense, perhaps we are meant to sit with it for awhile before we understand the hidden massages or concepts. Somethings I have come to understand when we work with our Power Animal is that they want to help. They are not only compassionate helpers, they love to be with us. They chose us for a reason. If ever you are feeling alone, seperated from a loving connection, you have your Power animal to call upon. Much like each of us have a guardian angel, we can call upon our Power Animal.