Everything is alive. I find the more I connect with my helping spirits that I begin to notice details that my "busy mind" used to pass over in a blur. The more one journeys the more in tune to the natural environment we become. A deeper respect begins to emerge. Noticing fine details in trees, plants, animal sounds, footprints, water flow and even rock formations. All of these examples (and more) allow us to feel connected to our natural environment, respectful of how we interact with and effect the land we share. As we marvel at a baby's bright eyes and soft skin we can, in turn, marvel at the texture of a tree trunk or limb, the gently swaying and creaking of a large tree on a windy day, the playfulness of two squirrels chasing each other, the fine colours on a glimpse of a cardinal on a winter day. Just sitting and looking out at nature and taking the time to notice the details. Everything is alive and we are all connected.