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Spiritual Clearing of Homes and Land


Shaman Practitioners are concerned with the human soul, with healing during life and assisting the soul's passage out of the Middle World after death. Familiar with the realms of the dead, a shaman can act as a psychopomp - a conductor of souls. A trained shamanic practitioner is able to guide the soul of a deceased person out of the Middle World to a place where the soul can receive help in taking the next step on its path. Suffering souls who have lost their way and become stuck in this middle world after death can also inhabit these places and cause unexplained feeling of despair, anger and grief to those able to sense their presence. As a Shamanic Practitioner I may also encounter energies, entities and messages regarding your home and/or property. Sometimes a negative entity has "attached" itself to a part of the home and those you reside may experience negative aspects as a result. This may show up as disturbed sleep, unwelcome emotional responses while in the home, a "bad" feeling, frequent misplaced items, a feeling of "heaviness" within the home. Some feelings are hard to pin down but the homeowner often knows something feels "off". The practice of Shamanic Home and Land Clearing can only be done with the express permission of the home or property owner, sometimes family members and is primarily conducted from a distance, not at the actual site. It is often best to wait a few weeks after a loved one has passed before checking in to see that this soul has gone to a divine place or is still in this Middle World.

This service takes about 1 - 1 1/2 hours and may require additional work if the spirit is not ready to move on. I will also provide a detailed summary of my Shamanic experience. Some information may be clear and other times it may make sense over time. It is not unusual for Spirits to share information in metaphor, which in turn requires the recipient to "figure out" hat the information means.

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